This form allows you to change the commissions paid to anyone registered to promote the program with a unique discount code. It is also used to pay an override commission to someone for sales made by others from specific departments.

Click in the CENTER of the current commission field to reveal all the commissions amounts available. When you change and submit the form, all commission earned after this date including all ongoing supplements subscriptions, will be paid at the new commission rate.

Foe example, if someone was signed up for a supplement subscription months ago, the next time that subscription is triggered, the commission paid will reflect the change made today.

Overrides - If you decide you also want this person to earn an override commission on sales made by anyone that works in a specific department, click the checkbox to reveal the department and drop-downs to choose.

Consider Overrides Carefully

Use caution not to pay an override that when combined with the amount paid to a staff member, exceeds the amount available. An override also lowers the amount left for your organization. If you pay too high an override that when added to the amount earned by a sales person it exceeds the amount available, the sales parson will be paid the full amount earned, and the person with the override will be paid up to but not exceeding the amount available. In this situation there is nothing left to pay the affiliate organization.

Edit Staff Discount Codes and Commissions
  • Offering staff a portion of your sales commissions for sales they generate will motivate them to promote the program. Before inviting them to register, use the dropdown fields below to set the portion of the commission, you want them to receive.
    Note: We offer a money-back guarantee that may sometimes require a refund. Please let staff know that if that occurs, their commission will be adjusted to reflect any refund.
  • First Name*first name
  • Last*full name
  • Position*select your country
  • Email address
  • Mobile 333-333-3333*full name
  • Set the Commission Paid to this Staff Member for Diet and Supplement Sales
  • Commission / Sale Member*select your country
  • supCom4pack*select your country
  • supCom3pack*select your country
  • 15
  • 16
  • AssignOverride*you like
    For Core-22 personnel only. Contact us if you like to pay an override commission to this person for sales made by other staff.
  • 21