Core-22 Professional Weight Loss System

68% of your employees are overweight or obese

Offer them a way to lose weight that works fast, is healthy, and permanent


Health Impact

  • Obesity is the #1 driver of preventable chronic diseases
  • 150 - 200 billion a year is spent on obesity related conditions
  • Weight loss reduces the incidence of diabetes, high BP, heart disease and stroke
  • Obese individuals cost 42% more for healthcare
  • Obese individuals are two times more likely to make a disability claim
  • Obese individuals are workers compensation claim

Wellness Impact Studies

  • Save $6 for every $1 invested in effective wellness programs
  • Lower healthcare costs and insurance premiums
  • Increased productivity and employee retention
  • Fewer days lost for sickness and doctor visits
  • Fewer disability and workers compensation claims

You Need an Effective Program

  • Provide the tools necessary for employee to accomplish goals they set for themselves and they will be engaged and motivated to achieve a best result.
  • Employees need ongoing motivation and positive reinforcement to stick to the program.
  • Your programs should offer incentives and rewards for both activity and achievement, rewarding progress not just participation.